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Okay I’m going  to try this again. I tried posting this once today and hopefully I remember everything I said earlier when it didn’t post. This is what I get for trying to use my phone and not my computer.

Let me start off by saying right now with the move I don’t have my full toolbox with me, half of it is on its way to Charleston, i.e. my actual box that I have which is a black leather box that is full of spiral notebooks and binders. I have inspirational and family pictures, family historical documents, books on writing, dictionary’s, research and candles.

That’s not all that I have in my toolbox but those are the things that are on there way to Charleston as I type. There were things that stayed with me so that I could work on the road. My travel toolbox, has my ipod, writing tablet, laptop (yes I needed both for this trip), two small notebooks, my favorite pens, dictionary, writing books, creative stones – quarts, aquamarine, amethyst etc (I use anything that may help), data sticks (as backups), and a pair of my Flyboy’s dog tags.

For a writer a writing toolbox is important these are the devices that we could use daily in are writing. Many of us have two separate toolboxes our daily one and our when we need it one. Like the one that is one it’s way to Charleston for me I don’t need it now but when I’m in Charleston I will. We put all the thing that we make need at some point in time in our toolbox never really knowing when we’ll need it but knowing we will at some point in our writing career. Heck I use my ipod every time I sit down at the computer to write and edit the music helps me get in the mood for scenes and characters. And lets face it when doesn’t a dyslexic writer need a dictionary. 😉

So that my toolbox what’s in yours…