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Meet M. Jane Colette… She’s just released Cherry Pie Cure

mjanecolette headshot polaroidAuthor Info:

M. JANE COLETTE writes tragedy for people who like to laugh, comedy for the melancholy, and erotica for women and men who like their fantasies real. She believes rules and hearts were made to be broken; ditto the constraints of genres.

So, is she a romance writer or what?

“I write love stories with happy endings,” Colette says. “So… I think yes. At the end of each of my books, you’re going to be so happy at how happy she—the heroine—is. You’re going to be imagining the next day, the next month—the next year of her life, and you’re going to be predicting some serious continued bliss for her. But before she gets there—hearts will be broken. And, the endings I deliver… they’re not conventional. I love to play with expectations and turn tropes rules upside down. And I think that’s all I should say, because I don’t want to do spoilers, ok?”

Colette is the author of the rom-com Cherry Pie Cure, releasing on June 15, 2017, as well as the (unconventional) romances Tell Me, an erotic romance for people who like a little bit of angst with their hot sex, and Consequences (of defensive adultery), an erotic tragedy (!) with a happy ending. Her non-fiction work includes Rough Draft Confessions: not a guide to writing and selling erotica and romance but full of inside insight anyway, a collection  of essays about writing dirty, the power of words, taboo language, the freedoms and limitations of genre, fulfilling your creative drive, and the business of writing.

All three of her novels feature heroines who are, as she puts it, “all grown up.” She doesn’t assign them specific ages, but in her mind they’re on this or that side of forty. They’ve been through love and heartbreak—marriage and children. Their life experience and history means they have both more to gain and more to lose from any love affair.

 Plus, they’ve all hit their sexual peak,” Colette says. “And you know what that means.”

In this case, it means Colette can indulge her desire to write smut.

“I love to write dirty,” she says. “Cherry Pie Cure, actually, is shockingly clean. For me. I make you, the reader, do all the dirty work. But Tell Me and Consequences are both quite explicit. It’s a lot of fun—and very liberating—to write sex scenes. I really relish it.”

Links to M. Jane Colette:

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Cherry Pie Cure

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A woman scorned. A blog. An outrageously sexy stock boy. A tribe of strange Internet friends. Flying packages of sex toys. And, a to-die-for cherry pie recipe.

 When Susan discovers her husband of twenty-two years is cheating on her, she is sure her life is over. And she thinks her friend Marcella’s advice that she work through her feelings in a blog is stupid. She just wants to sit on the couch in her ex’s old bathrobe, feel sorry for herself, and chain-smoke. But her growing blogging tribe and a delectable (“OMFG how old is he?”) real life stranger have other plans for her… if Susan’s brave enough to embrace them.


A mistake. Heartbreak. Consequences. Absolution and love in unexpected places.

All Elizabeth wanted was an experienced, dominant lover. She ended up with a husband she doesn’t love, a stepdaughter who hates her, an ex-wife who won’t forgive her—and the less said about her new sister-in-law the better. Forced to reveal the consequences of her youthful affair to a new lover, Elizabeth is shocked to discover he’s showing her the path to freedom, absolution, and love.

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This is about us. Always. An opportunity. A gift. A chance to come together again. And you want it as much as I do.

‘Thank you for unhinging my sanity, threatening the stability of my life, with one text. Because that’s how it begins, one text, one message. ‘I’m coming to town. Would like to see you.’

 Jane’s a wife, mother, daughter, friend. Mostly content. Mildly bored. Suddenly, a text from an old lover pulls her into an online sexual vortex. As she sexts her lover and attempts to figure out how this side of herself fits into her current life, other relationships around her fracture, implode. Her best friend is recklessly pursuing affairs of her own, while another friend is struggling with the fall-out of an ugly divorce. Her next door neighbour is planning a wedding with her forever on-again/off-again lover—but will it really happen? Her parents, on the eve of their forty-third wedding anniversary, announce they’re getting a divorce. Her father-in-law leaves his third wife—no, wait—she left him… And her lawyer husband—is it just business texts he’s exchanging with his associate? Does Jane care? Should she? Or is she too engulfed in her sanity-straining affair to think?

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Rough Draft Confessions

A non-fiction collection of inside insights about writing dirty, the power of words, taboo language, the freedoms and limitations of genres, fulfilling your creative drive, and the business of writing, this behind-the-scenes companion piece to the author’s erotica and romance novels takes readers inside the process of writing and selling flirty-dirty stories. Part coming out story, part creative manifesto, all subversive, RDC connects readers to creative resources in off-the-wall ways, examines the absurdities of publishing convention, and will leave you vibrating with the desire to fall in love, have out-of-this-world sex on a mountaintop, and write a smutty story or two of your own. FROM THE INTRODUCTION: “Managing Expectations: I’m writing for you, but I’m a liar” This collection of essays-confessions began as a gift to my amazing beta readers—you—who wanted to know the story behind the story—and whether it was true that the most contentious negotiating point in my first publishing contract really centred on the word ‘c—.’ … Along the way, what was supposed to be an honest-(mostly)-but-amusing story of how a (dirty) novel gets published and sold in this Brave New World morphed into a coming out story of sorts and then a personal-and-professional manifesto about why I want to write filthy, dirty books, and, by extension, why you should read them… or, better yet, write a few of your own. You’re welcome. As you’re reading, there’s one thing you need to keep in mind. Everything a writer gives you to read—even if she claims it’s non-fiction, memoir, and nothing-but-the-truth—everything she gives you to read is a crafted narrative. A performance. (Never forget that.) …I want you to treat this story as a dialogue. I wrote it for you, after all, and I’m telling it to you—just to you. If you have a question—if you need a clarification—ask me, and I’ll do my best to answer. And I promise to lie only when it’s absolutely necessary. Because I am trying to be truthful—you have no idea how hard that is for a fiction writer—most of the chapters are structured as Confessions. But there are a lot of interruptions. Questions. Interjections. Every single one of them is your fault, by the way. But we’ll get to that. Ready? Let’s manufacture a beginning to the story, shall we?

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