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Don Abdul’s Interview!!!

12548834_1120815741270493_2811774890593685757_nMr. Spanks himself is here today!!

T:  Good Morning Don thanks for joining me this morning. I hope the tea is strong enough?

D: Good morning Teresa, thanks for having me. The tea is perfect thank you. *smiles*

T: I promise for this set of questions I’m going to keep things fun and light (well light for me) so let’s get started.

D:Sure, I’m ready when you are.

T: How did you start writing erotica and poetry?

D: I started writing poetry way back in High School. Back then though my poetry was quite simple and tame. Erotic poetry came much later in college, but I only began to express myself fully in the form of erotic poetry in 2004. It wasn’t until a year later in 2005 that I wrote my first Erotica story, and then I went to publish my first erotica e-book in 2010.

It might also interest your readers that to date, I have about twenty published e-books under my belt.

T: Your favorite authors are thriller/suspense writers what made you go for the racier side?

D: You’re quite right I love thriller/suspense, but I write Erotica mostly because it the perfect escape from the stress of everyday life. It also exposes both writer and the readers to a full bouquet of sensual pleasures both mental and physical. It feels like a first class ticket to a fantasy from the comfort of your couch.

T: How many people in your “small town” know you write erotica?

D: Oh my word! I’ll have to say just a handful. They are also fellow freaks by the way. *winks*.  As for the rest, I guess what they do not know wouldn’t hurt their self-righteous egos. LOL

T: What intrigues you about the erotic side of writing?

D: What I find most intriguing is that through the characters, you get to explore the depth of peoples secret fantasies and sexual desires in ways that most of them would never have the courage to admit openly. Even more so is how as a writer, you learn a little more about yourself and your own hidden desires from such an exploration as well.

T: When do you write?

D: Whenever the desire to write seizes me, but mostly in the early mornings and late at night. I have been known to pen some of my most thought provoking pieces while at airports while waiting to catch flights, on board airplanes. Most often though, I do my early morning and late night writing on my couch, in the zone (Birthday suit). It’s a lot easier to take cold showers that way 😉

T: What does your family think about your writing?

D: My brother thinks all my books should be made into movies, and my erotic poetry made into audio books. I don’t know about the movies yet, but his dream about the audio book will soon come true.

My 17 year old son has only read my non-erotic poetry (at least that’s the story he’s sticking to). He thinks his daddy is a genius who should expand the scope of his writing (if only he knew the whole story). LOL

My dad and mom, well they are blissfully ignorant of the erotica aspect of my writing as well. They both think I’m a gifted poet though… Thanks folks

T: Do you create any stories from day job?

D: I might have incorporated one or two elements from my Day job in some stories, but as a rule I try not to write about people I know or tell their life’s stories. Events from real life though are a different kettle of fish, those provide context for stories sometimes.

T: Is there any specific band or song that gets you in the mood… to write?

D: I’m a lover of music, all kinds of music, but of all those, R&B is my favorite kind of mood music

T: Do you do anything special for release day?

D: Yes, I hold special Release Day Parties, Taking Over with some of my awesome fellow authors.

T: If you could go back in time and have a night out with any author who would it be? Where would you go?

D: That would be dinner with Harold Robbins. We would go to a lovely restaurant in Paris, and I would try hard not to ruin dinner with a barrage of questions about how he created the story in his book STILETTO, and so much more.

T: What do you do for fun?

D: For fun I go to the movie theatre. I love movies on the big screen.

T: What part of your writing do you enjoy the most?

D: The part of my writing that I enjoy the most is creating the characters. The process of creating and fleshing out a character is so exciting. At a point such characters feel as though they are friends, acquaintances and next door neighbors even, until the book is done and you have to move on to the next project.

T: Is there any other genre you would write?

D: Yes indeed, I’d love to write Sci-Fi, and in a roundabout kind of way I have already. I have written a Sci-Fi Erotica story which was published as part of EROS, the Indie Author Challenge anthology 2015.  My story is titled A Time for Justice. I would love to write more Sci-Fi in the future.

T: How quickly can you crank out a story?

D: Well that depends on a number of factors. The factors include: The story in question, whether or not I have a deadline, and also what else I have on my plate at the time. My first published e-book, Taboo Sex Gone Wild was written in a week. I have also taken as long as a whole year to complete a story. For instance my next book titled Checkmate took over a year to complete. 

I suppose because I write from the heart, the story takes as long as it takes to get written. When I have to work to a deadline, of course that changes everything.

T: How do you come up with your characters?

D: Funny you should ask that, I tell my friends the joke that I have quite a number of people who reside rent-free in my head, some of these folks are very interesting characters, they make the perfect source for developing characters for my stories. 

Seriously though, the stories I tell pretty much inform the characters that feature in them. Certain aspects of the personalities, idiosyncrasies and mannerisms of some folks I’ve met in real life also inadvertently escape into the broth of character development for my stories.

T: What comes next?

D: For me there’s always something in the works. Next is the re-release of my critically acclaimed Erotic story book, CHECKMATE. All I can say for now is, it’s going to be huge.

I also have a collaborative poetry project with an awesome different twist with a fellow author and poet coming in the works. Hopefully it would be out and available to our fans and readers soon.

There is also the sequel to my last book, SPANKING MY SEXY NEW BOSS, at an advance stage of completion. So you see, my hands are full and busy with goodies for my readers’ enjoyment.

T: Well Don that’s all I have for you today? Until next time thanks again for joining me, now get back to work and write your next book.

D: It’s been an absolute delight chatting with you Teresa, thanks for having me and keep up the great work that you’re doing.


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