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Interview with Damian J Clark

Hey Guys Check out who I dragged in!!! Damian is in the House!

T:  Good Evening Damian thanks for joining me this evening. I hope the rum and coke is strong enough?

D: Double rum and coke tall always hits the spot. 

T: I promise for this set of questions I’m going to keep things fun and light (well light for me) so let’s get started.
T: How much of your military upbringing influences your writing?

D: I have to say for my first series it influences it a lot. I write what I know. The personality and experience of the main character relates to a lot of friends who served in the armed forces.

T: I know you like to cut up and have fun but what do you do for fun when not on social media?

D: I like to go out with friends, have a drink, catch movies, and anything that involves water. Lake, rivers, ladies…

T: I know you have a family, do they influence your writing?

D: My family has had no influence at all on my writing actually, except to offer support.

T: How much does music play a role in your writing process? What type of music do you prefer?

D: Music has always played a huge roll in every aspect of my life, and it did carry into my writing. I listened to a playlist when I wrote, it included; Rob Zombie, Marilyn Manson, In This Moment, The Pretty Reckless and a few others. Rock, metal are my music of choice, but I have a wide range of taste.

T: How many comic cons have you been too? Which was your favorite?

D: Never been to a comic con, unless that includes Vision Con.

T: Favorite Author? Why?

D: Kim Harrison… I really enjoyed her Hollows series, that may not be the name. I listened to the entire thing on audio book when I was a truck driver. 🙂 I like the way she describes everything in detail.

T: Favorite Character? Why?

D: Riddick. I know its a movie, but he is as real as it gets.

T: How many drunk dials have you done do you think?

D: None… I leave my phone elsewhere when I am drinking to avoid creating evidence.. hehe

T:  How do you make time for writing with a family?

D: I waited till the kids were in bed, wore my girlfriend out, then stayed up and wrote.

T:  Where do you write? What’s always next to you when working?

D: These days I usually write at home, and almost always have a candle burning.

T: Alright last question, what comes next? Do you have anything in the works right now?

D: My Shade of Dark Moon series is planned to be a 5 book seires (including a co-authored book with Author and friend Jarrod Underdown, Shadow of Understanding)..  I have started a new series as well known as Dark Savior.. it is a Paranormal Horror series about a half-breed Angel-Demon who is trying to save a young girl with the same type of parentage from being used by the Demons for conquest, or killed by the Angels for existing.

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