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So last night I finished reading Wings by Aprilynne Pike. I enjoyed it. It’s about fairies, and not like most of the fairies I’ve read about lately. So today I downloaded Spells which is book two. So far I can’t complain. Both are easy reads in the YA. Yes I was reading instead of working but yeah sometimes you have to read. I also watched two movies today, When in Rome and Man of Honor. I’m not sure why I was in a romantic comedy mood maybe since the last two days have been crazy. Saturday with the migraine and yesterday I was just tired all day like I hadn’t sleep yet I slept most of Saturday away.Though I can’t say I didn’t do any work I looked up a few agents to send more query letters off too. Tomorrow my mom will be in town for about 10 hours so I’m not sure if I’ll get work done or not then I have a midnight show to go see with friends. Yes I’ll be seeing Eclipse tomorrow night. Yes it’s crazy but not as crazy as my sister in law, but that’s beside the point. I’m hoping that this one will be better then the last one which if the last one was any indication it will be. Why is it that movies are never as good as the book. At least most of the time. So far the Twilight series haven’t come close. Anyway its off to bed, night.

Tomorrow Carrie Vaughn’s new Kitty book comes out. Can’t wait to read it.

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